Sunday, 4 April 2021

Epic Church - Cristo Nostra Pasqua (2021)


01 - Χριστός Ανέστη - Hristos Anesti
02 - Херувимская песнь (Χερουβικός Ὕμνος - Cherubikon)
03 - Τὴν Ἀνάστασίν (Tin Anastasin - Your Resurrection)
04 - Io Credo: Risorgerò
05 - Cristo Risusciti
06 - Cristo Risorge
07 - Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron
08 - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
09 - Christ ist erstanden (Cristo Risusciti)
10 - Nyni Otpuscajesi (Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart - Canticle Of Simeon)
11 - Ангел вопияше (The Angel Is Crying)
12 - Io Credo: Risorgerò (instrumental)


When I first imagined this album I knew I would need some time and focus to produce it so at that time I archived the idea. The time passed and finally now I could materialise what before were just thoughts and intangible ideas. "Cristo Nostra Pasqua" is a selection of Christian songs of Pascha (Easter) from various branches of Christianity as Roman Catholic, Orthodox (Byzantine), Anglican, Protestant; Also in diverse languages. As it's common of this project, all songs have the "Epic Church" style, which is the merging of electronic music, classical music, 80's timbres and a Gothic touch. 

TRACK 01: Χριστός Ανέστη - Hristos Anesti
Description: The Paschal troparion or Christos anesti (Greek: Χριστός ἀνέστη) is the characteristic troparion for the celebration of the Orthodox Pascha (Easter) in churches that follow the Byzantine Rite. Like most other troparia, it is a brief stanza often used as a refrain between the verses of a psalm, but is also used on its own. It is sung in the first plagal (or fifth) tone. Its author or date is unknown, but it is assumed to be older than the 6th century.

Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν,
θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας,
καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι,
ζωὴν χαρισάμενος!

Christós anésti ek nekrón,
thanáto thánaton patísas,
ké tís en tís mnímasi,
zoín charisámenos!

Christ is risen from the dead,
by death trampling death,
and to those in the tombs
granting life!

Cristo ressuscitou dos mortos,
pela morte vencendo a morte,
e para aos que estavam nas covas
dando vida!

TRACK 02: Херувимская песнь (Χερουβικός Ὕμνος - Cherubikon)
Description: The Cherubikon (Greek: χερουβικόν) is the usual Cherubic Hymn (Greek: χερουβικὸς ὕμνος, Church Slavonic Херувімскаѧ пҍснь) sung at the Great Entrance of the Byzantine liturgy. The hymn symbolically incorporates those present at the liturgy into the presence of the angels gathered around God's throne.

Οἱ τὰ χερουβὶμ μυστικῶς εἰκονίζοντες
καὶ τῇ ζωοποιῷ τριάδι τὸν τρισάγιον ὕμνον προσᾴδοντες
πᾶσαν τὴν βιωτικὴν ἀποθώμεθα μέριμναν
Ὡς τὸν βασιλέα τῶν ὅλων ὑποδεξόμενοι
ταῖς ἀγγελικαῖς ἀοράτως δορυφορούμενον τάξεσιν
ἀλληλούϊα ἀλληλούϊα ἀλληλούϊα

10th-century Latin transliteration of the Greek text
I ta cherubim mysticos Iconizontes
ke ti zopion triadi ton trisagyon ymnon prophagentes
passa nin biotikin apothometa merinnan·
Os ton basileon ton olon Ipodexomeni
tes angelikes aoraton doriforumenon taxesin

Qui cherubin mystice imitamur
et vivifice trinitati ter sanctum ẏmnum offerimus
Omnem nunc mundanam deponamus sollicitudinem
Sicuti regem omnium suscepturi
Cui ab angelicis invisibiliter ministratur ordinibus

English translation
We who mystically represent the Cherubim,
and who sing to the Life-Giving Trinity the thrice-holy hymn,
let us now lay aside all earthly cares
that we may receive the King of all,
escorted invisibly by the angelic orders.

Church Slavonic
Иже херѹвимы тайнѡ ѡбразѹюще,
и животворѧщей Троицѣ трисвѧтую пѣснь припѣвающе,
Всѧкое нынѣ житейское отложимъ попеченіе.
Ꙗкѡ да Царѧ всѣхъ подъимемъ,
аггельскими невидимѡ дорѵносима чинми.

Transliterated Church Slavonic
Íže heruvímy tájnō ōbrazujúšte,
i životvoręštej Tróicě trisvętúju pěsňĭ pripěvájúšte,
Vsęko[j]e nýňě žitéjsko[j]e otložimŭ popečenìe.
Jákō da Carę vsěhŭ podŭimemŭ,
ángelĭskimi nevídimō dorỳnosíma čínmi.

И́же Херуви́мы та́йно образу́юще и Животворя́щей Тро́ице Трисвяту́ю песнь припева́юще, вся́кое ны́не жите́йское отложи́м попече́ние.
Я́ко да Царя́ всех поды́мем, а́нгельскими неви́димо дориноси́ма чи́нми. Аллилуи́а, аллилуи́а, аллилуи́а.

რომელნი ქერუბიმთა საიდუმლოსა ვემსგავსებით,
და ცხოველსმყოფელისა სამებისა, სამგზის წმიდასა გალობასა შენდა შევწირავთ,
ყოველივე აწ სოფლისა დაუტეოთ ზრუნვა.
და ვითარცა მეუფისა ყოველთასა,
შემწყნარებელსა ანგელოსთაებრ უხილავად, ძღვნის შემწირველთა წესთასა.
ალილუია, ალილუია, ალილუია.

Transliterated Georgian
romelni qerubimta saidumlosa vemsgavsebit,
da tskhovelsmq'opelisa samebisa, samgzis ts'midasa galobasa shenda shevts'iravt,
q'ovelive ats' soplisa daut'eot zrunva.
da vitartsa meupisa q'oveltasa,
shemts'q'narebelsa angelostaebr ukhilavad, dzghvnis shemts'irvelta ts'estasa.
aliluia, aliluia, aliluia

Noi, care pe heruvimi cu taină închipuim,
Şi făcătoarei de viaţă Treimi întreit-sfântă cântare aducem,
Toată grija cea lumească să o lepădăm.[15]
Ca pe Împăratul tuturor, să primim,
Pe Cel înconjurat în chip nevăzut de cetele îngereşti.
Aliluia, aliluia, aliluia.

Portuguese (Português)
Nós que representamos misticamente os Querubins,
e que cantamos para a Trindade Vivificante o hino três vezes sagrado,
vamos agora deixar de lado todas as preocupações terrenais
para que possamos receber o Rei de todos,
escoltado, invisivelmente, pelas ordens angelicais.

TRACK 03: Τὴν Ἀνάστασίν (Tin Anastasin - Your Resurrection)
Description: "Tin Anastasin" is a traditional Christian song in Greek sung during Pascha (Easter) period in the Orthodox churches.

Coptic-English:Tin Anastasin sou Ekhreste Sotir,
angeli emnousin en ou-ranis, ke
imas tous epi ghis katak-siosen
en kathara kardhia se doxazin.

Original Greek:
Τὴν Ἀνάστασίν σου, Χριστὲ
Σωτήρ, Ἄγγελοι ὑμνοῦσιν ἐν
Οὐρανοῖς· καὶ ἡμᾶς τοὺς ἐπὶ γῆς
καταξίωσον, ἐν καθαρᾷ καρδίᾳ
σὲ δοξάζειν.

Your Resurrection, Christ Savior,
is praised by the angels in
heaven; and make us on earth
worthy with pure hearts to glorify You.

Portuguese (Português)
Sua ressurreição, Cristo Salvador,
é louvada pelos anjos no céu,
e nos faz na Terra dignos com
corações puros para Te glorificar

TRACK 04: Io Credo: Risorgerò
Description: "I Believe I Will Rise (Resurrect)" is a song of the Roman Catholic tradition and it's sung at funerals and during the Pascha (Easter) period.

Io credo: risorgerò,
questo mio corpo vedrà il Salvatore !

Prima che io nascessi,
mio Dio, tu mi conosci:
ricordati, Signore,
che l'uomo è come l'erba
come il fiore del campo.

Io credo: risorgerò,
questo mio corpo vedrà il Salvatore !

Ora è nelle tue mani
quest'anima che mi hai data:
accoglila, Signore,
da sempre tu l'hai amata,
è preziosa ai tuoi occhi.

Io credo: risorgerò,
questo mio corpo vedrà il Salvatore !

Padre, che mi hai formato
a immagine del tuo volto:
conserva in me, Signore,
il segno della tua gloria,
che risplenda in eterno.

Io credo: risorgerò,
questo mio corpo vedrà il Salvatore !

Cristo, mio Redentore,
risorto nella luce:
io spero in te, Signore,
hai vinto, mi hai liberato
dalle tenebre eterne.

Io credo: risorgerò,
questo mio corpo vedrà il Salvatore!

TRACK 05: Cristo Risusciti 
Language: Italian
Description: "Christ Resurrected" is a song of the Roman Catholic tradition and it's sung  mostly during the Pascha (Easter) period. The melody was composed in the XII Century (by unknown author) and the lyrics composed by Gino Stefani in 1966.

Cristo risusciti in tutti i cuori. Cristo si celebri, Cristo s'adori. Gloria al Signor!

1. Cantate, o popoli, del regno umano, Cristo sovrano! Gloria al Signor!

Cristo risusciti in tutti i cuori. Cristo si celebri, Cristo s'adori. Gloria al Signor!

2. Noi risorgiamo in te, Dio Salvatore, Cristo Signore! Gloria al Signor!

Cristo risusciti in tutti i cuori. Cristo si celebri, Cristo s'adori. Gloria al Signor!

(solo synthesizer)

Cristo risusciti in tutti i cuori. Cristo si celebri, Cristo s'adori. Gloria al Signor!

TRACK 06: Cristo Risorge
Language: Italian
Description: "Christ Rises" is a song of the Roman Catholic tradition and it's sung mostly during the Pascha (Easter) period. Melody by Piero Damilano and lyrics by Antonio Gazzera.

Cristo risorge
Cristo risorge, Cristo trionfa.

Al re immortale dei secoli eterni,
al Signor della vita che vince la morte,
risuoni perenne la lode e la gloria.

All’Agnello immolato che salva le genti,
al Cristo risorto che sale nei cieli,
risuoni perenne la lode e la gloria.

TRACK 07: Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron
Language: German
Description: "Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron" (literally: Praised be God on highest throne) is a hymn for Easter in 20 stanzas in German by Michael Weiße, widely known with a later melody by Melchior Vulpius. Shortened, it is part of current Protestant and Catholic German hymnals.

218 - NGL328
Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron samt seinem eingebornen Sohn, der für uns hat genug getan. Halleluja, Halleluja, Halleluja.

TRACK 08: Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Language: English
Description: "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" is a Christian hymn associated with Easter. Most of the stanzas were written by Charles Wesley, and the hymn appeared under the title "Hymn for Easter Day" in Hymns and Sacred Poems by Charles and John Wesley in 1739. The hymn eventually became well known for the "Alleluia" sung as a melisma after each line, which was added by an unknown author, probably to fit the commonly used hymn tune, "Easter Hymn". It remains a traditional processional hymn on Easter Sunday.

Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!
Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!

(instrumental synthesizer solo)


TRACK 09: Christ ist erstanden (Cristo Risusciti)
Language: Italian / German
Description: "Christ ist erstanden" (Christ is risen) is a German Easter hymn, and is possibly the oldest Christian liturgical German song. It has inspired music by composers such as Ludwig Senfl and Heinrich Schütz (from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries respectively) through to modern composers such as Oskar Gottlieb Blarr and Enjott Schneider, and has appeared in 45 hymnals, including the current German Catholic and Protestant hymnals. Translations and paraphrases include a version by Catherine Winkworth which has appeared in 231 hymnals. "Christ ist erstanden" also inspired Martin Luther to write "Christ lag in Todes Banden", deriving the melody from it.
The same melody was used for the Roman Catholic song "Cristo Risusciti" and this Epic Church version is a mashup of both the German and the Italian song.

Cantate, o popoli, del regno umano, 
Cristo sovrano!  Gloria al Signor! 

Christ ist erstanden
von der Marter alle!
Des solln wir alle froh sein,
Christ soll unser Trost sein.

Noi risorgiamo in te, Dio Salvatore, 
Cristo Signore!  Gloria al Signor!  

Wär er nicht erstanden,
so wär die Welt vergangen.
Seit daß er erstanden ist,
so freut sich alles, was da ist.


Cristo risusciti in tutti i cuori. 
Cristo si celebri, Cristo s'adori. 
Gloria al Signor!

TRACK 10: Ninje Otpuščaješi (Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart - Canticle Of Simeon)
Language: Croatian
Description: The song was composed by the Russian musician Alexander Arkhangelsky for the Orthodox Pascha Rite.  Alexander Andreyevich Arkhangelsky (Russian: Алекса́ндр Андре́евич Арха́нгельский) was born in 1846, in Staroye Tezikovo, Penza and died on 16 November 1924, in Prague.

Nyne otpuščaješi raba Tvojego, Vladyko, 
po glagolu Tvojemu s mirom: 
jako videste oči moi spasenije Tvoje, 
Eže jesi ugotoval pred licem vseh ljudej, 
svet vo otkrovenije jazykov, i slavu ljudej Tvoih lzrailia.

TRACK 11: Ангел вопияше (An Angel Crying)
Language: Russian
Description: Ангел вопияше is a Pascha (Easter) song of the Orthodox (Byzantine) church. The melody was composed by Ф. Макаров and the author of this Pascha canon (lyrics) was John of Damascus (or John Damascene, Greek: Ἰωάννης ὁ Δαμασκηνός, romanized: Ioánnēs ho Damaskēnós. This saint, who lived at the turn of the 7th to the 8th century. He was a praised hymnmaker, theologian, philosopher and father of the Church. During the time of the iconoclastic heresy in Byzantium and the cruel persecution of the authorities against the admirers of the Orthodox icons, John Damascene zealously defended his positions. 
The saint is known as the creator of the Octoechos (from the Greek: ἡ Ὀκτώηχος), a liturgical book with a system of eight voices (certain melodic turns), which alternately changed every week. This system was later adopted by the Russian Orthodox Church along with other Byzantine traditions. According to church tradition, this Pascha canon is sung in its entirety, without a reader, with its own special festive chant (melody) and is performed this way until the holiday is over.

Church Slavonic
Ангел вопияше Благодатней: Чистая Дево, радуйся, и паки реку: Радуйся! Твой Сын воскресе тридневен от гроба и мертвыя воздвигнувый: людие веселитеся.
Светися, светися Новый Иерусалиме, слава бо Господня на Тебе возсия. Ликуй ныне и веселися, Сионе. Ты же, Чистая, красуйся, Богородице, о востании Рождества Твоего.

Ангел возглашал Благодатной: Чистая Дева, радуйся! И снова скажу: Радуйся! Твой Сын воскрес в третий день из гроба и мертвых воскресил. Люди, торжествуйте!
Светись, светись, новый Иерусалим — слава Господня над тобою взошла! Ликуй ныне и красуйся, Сион! Ты же радуйся, Чистая Богородица, о воскресении Рожденного Тобой.

TRACK 12: Io Credo, Risorgerò (instrumental)

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