Wednesday 9 July 2008

Track By Track: Guerreiros Paulistas - Avante (2008)

[PT] Sobre o CD
Depois das músicas demo por volta de 2006, o CD "Avante" foi quando a idéia musical dos Guerreiros Paulistas começou a ser colocada em prática. A temática é a Revolução de 1932 e todas as músicas são carregadas de História e Cultura.

[EN] About the Album
After the demo songs about 2006, "Avante" (Forth) is the album that puts in practice the ideas had for Guerreiros Paulistas. The album's theme is the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932 and all the songs are full of History and Culture.

Neo Folk, Martial Rock


01 - A Chamada
[PT] Nesta música ouve-se o aúdio real de 1932 de uma chamada de voluntários Paulistas por nome.

[EN] This track contains a real audio of 1932, with the attendance call for the Paulista volunteers of war.

02 - Hino do PRP

[PT] Uma versão rock do Hino do Partido Republicano Paulista. Este hino virou um dos símbolos Paulistas na batalha, foi composto por Marcelo Tupinambá e gravado por Francisco Alves.

[EN] A Rock version for the anthem of the Paulista Republican Party . This anthem became one of the Paulista symbols during the war. It was composed by Marcelo Tupinambá and recorded by Francisco Alves.

03 - Desfile Em Cruzeiro

[PT] Essa faixa foi gravada no desfile comemorativo da Revolução Paulista, no dia 9 de Julho de 2008. Uma comemoração para se guardar na memória. Na ocasião, tocava a banda da Polícia Militar Paulista.

[EN] This track was recorded at the parade for the Paulista Revolution, on July 9th 2008. A day to held in memory. On that day, the marching band of the Paulista Police was playing.

04 - SP 1932
[PT] Esta faixa é uma das idéias principais do projeto sendo executada. A marcha francesa Paris-Belfort, o hino de São Paulo na Revolução de 1932 em uma versão rock.

[EN] This track is the execution of one of the core ideas for the project. The French march song Paris-Belfort, the anthem for São Paulo in the Revolution of 1932 in a rock version.

05 - Epic

[PT] O nome foi escolhido a partir do épico discurso do grande radialista Paulista César Ladeira durante a guerra em 32. A faixa contém o áudio real e integral do discurso.

[EN] The name was chosen after the epic speech of the great Paulista broadcaster César Ladeira during the war in 32. The track contains the real and whole audio of the speech.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Gunstar Music - Earth Against Cyber-Intruders (2008)

sci-fi alternative history christian future dystopia utopia fiction eurodance rock dance ejay electrorock trance gothic paulista são paulo brazil
The second release but first full-length album of Gunstar Music has a very interesting sci-fi story for it's a concept album with tracks in styles as electro-rock, trance, eurodance and techno. It's a typical space sci-fi story, with a retro and cheesy touch, very fun for the fans of the genre.

The Plot:
"In the future Earth is still trying to solve its problems and although some progress has been achieved humans face the sudden threat of an invasion. It takes time to define what exactly are those invaders. Aliens? Robots? Soon they are popularly known as "cyber-intruders" and they surely don't come in peace..."

16 tracks in playlist, average track length: 3:14
Playlist length: 51 minutes 45 seconds
Playlist files:
1. Gunstar Music - Destination: Solar System (3:11)
2. Gunstar Music - The Attack of the Cyber-Intruders (2:44)
3. Gunstar Music - The Space Battle (2:48)
4. Gunstar Music - We Will To Destroy (5:01)
5. Gunstar Music - Landing On Earth (3:52)
6. Gunstar Music - Intruder's Dictatorship (3:30)
7. Gunstar Music - Cyber-Psychobilly In An Intruder's Celebration (1:55)
8. Gunstar Music - Earth Must remember Its Creator (4:16)
9. Gunstar Music - Riding On The New Wasted Lands (BFC) (2:15)
10. Gunstar Music - Congregating The Troop Of The Human Beings (4:13)
11. Gunstar Music - The Infitration (Acid Tribal) (3:01)
12. Gunstar Music - The Assault (1:40)
13. Gunstar Music - The Victorious Counterattack of the Earth (3:52)
14. Gunstar Music - The New Dawn (Defeat Of The Intruders) (3:23)
15. Gunstar Music - Future Nations (3:02)
16. Gunstar Music - Dream In Trance (The New World) (3:02)


Gunstar Music - The Attack of the Cyber-Intruders (2:44)

Gunstar Music - The Space Battle (2:48)

Gunstar Music - We will to destroy (5:01)

Gunstar Music - Intruder's Dictatorship (3:30)

Gunstar Music - Cyber-psychobilly in an Intruder's celebration (1:55)

Gunstar Music - Earth must remember its Creator (4:16)

Gunstar Music - Congregating the troop of the human beings (4:13)

Gunstar Music - The Victorious Counterattack of the Earth (3:52)

Gunstar Music - New Dawn (3:23)